Regular medical check-ups are essential. You don’t have to be sick for you to book an appointment with your doctor. Why are regular visits to your doctor critical? These visits allow you to get screened for medical issues you may be unaware of. Future medical problems can be prevented if the risk is identified earlier and precaution is taken. Regular check-ups are also done to update vaccinations and to encourage a healthy lifestyle. These check-ups go a long way in preventing medical issues in future.

Here is a list of essential tests that you should not miss during your visits.

  1. Blood pressure screening

If you are of good health, you can go for blood pressure screening once every two years. Blood pressure screening centres are well distributed in most states, and all you have to do is book an appointment. Usually, the systolic number is not supposed to be higher than 140. The diastolic number, on the other hand, should not be more than 90. If that is the case, you need to see your doctor for further directions.

The frequency of the check-ups is, however, different for individuals living with conditions like heart disease, kidney problems, and diabetes. If you have any of the above conditions or other serious ones that have not been included, you should make your visits at least once a year.

  1. Pap smear and pelvic exam

Women aged 21 should never miss Pap smear and other cervical tests every once in a while. You should seek gynecelogican services every three years. The frequency might reduce as you advance in age. For instance, if you hit 30, you can do it at least every five years. However, there are no limitations as to how often you should see your doctor. Women who have undergone hysterectomy may not need pap smears.

During your check-ups, the health practitioner will advise you on how you can prevent infections spread through sexual contact. Also, do not be surprised if you are asked about depression and alcohol use.

  1. Cholesterol screening

Women aged 20 to 45 are advised to always go for cholesterol screening. High cholesterol in the body is detrimental. It leads to the development of a string of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, to mention a few. If you have normal cholesterol levels, a check-up every five years is essential. If there is sudden weight gain or change in diet, the visits are also important.

The doctor will give you lessons on how to maintain a healthy weight and proper eating habits. That way, you will prevent kidney problems and other cholesterol-related complications. Note that if you already have them, you have to be more aggressive about cholesterol monitoring.

Most people do not consider dental and eye exams as necessary. Visits to the dentists are vital too, and you can have your teeth cleaned in the process. If there are any underlying issues, the doctor will guide you accordingly. If you have diabetes, eye exams should be done every year. If you have eye issues, every two years is recommended.


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