Are you hosting a summer party, birthday, wedding or corporate event? You may need the service of a marquee tent for the event. To hire the tent, you not only need to decide on what it looks like but a host of other factors.

 The following aspects will help you hire the best marquee tent:

  • Your needs are most important

Marquee tents are available in various sizes and designs to suit different events. All of us have varying needs and requirements. For instance, one may want luxury resort tents for celebrating a special occasion. Thus you must hire a tent which will cater to the number of guests you are expecting and suits your décor and theme of the event. It is also good to help marquee renting company to gain the proper permits which may be needed as per your situation.

  • Budget as a counting factor

When you search for a marquee tent, your budget matters a lot. If your budget allows the hiring of a good type of tent, you need not think twice about it. But the reality is that not all of us have a big budget and you may be tight on funds. Many tent companies provide discounts, particularly if you’re hiring more than one tent. Some companies may offer steep discounts in some seasons. Search online or with friends and colleagues to recommend a tent hire company.

  • Hiring from the best

Ensure you are hiring a well-reputed company to source tents of the best quality. You must be able to view the tents before hiring them. You should hire from such a company after ascertaining how long they have been in the business and sample a few of their offerings to be certain. It is good if any of your acquaintances, friends or family can recommend a company.

  • Read through fine print

Read carefully the deal with a tent company to ensure there are no hidden costs. From the word go, you must be sure about complete costs. For instance, some companies may charge extra on the claim that the terrain they set up the tent is different from that expected.

No one wants nasty surprises. Many suppliers will provide a standard quote based on ideal site conditions (site with flat grass and easy access). The quotes will not take into account special anchoring needs, scaffolding, extra packing and man hours and plant equipment.  A great company will advise you on extra things to consider and possibly all estimates. It will not charge hidden costs and all extras will be agreed upon before the start of work.

  • Legally safe

Ascertain whether your tent suppliers meet current guidelines of the industry. But not all organizers of events are aware of the current legislation, so you must become familiar with them to ask the right questions.

  • Well-kept equipment

For the sake that temporary event structures maintain their appearance and structural integrity, equipment must be renewed, maintained and cleaned regularly. Do not rely on shiny photos in company brochures.

These are some tips on how to select and hire marquee tents for your special events.


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